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Getting Started


To get started, we suggest registering for a free account on our SaaS platform. For those who prefer self hosting Orb, you can find detailed installation instructions in the Documentation section of this site (Installation).

Connect to Orb

Register for a free account here

  1. Register a new account

  2. After registering, you should see the home page with a welcome message.
    Home Page

Deploy your first Agent

Follow the steps below after logging in to the Orb Portal to get an Orb agent up and running.

Create Agent Credentials

You create a set of agent credentials for each node you want to monitor. Agents are organized by tags. Each agent has a set of corresponding credentials used during provisioning. You may also provision agents directly at the edge instead of through the UI.

  1. Navigate to Agents, and then click New Agent.
    Agent List View
  2. Fill in an Agent Name and click Next.
  3. Optionally, fill in Key and Value tags, then click the + on the right side of the menu. These tags represent the way you will assign the agent to an agent group. Reasonable tags might be "location", "region", "pop", "type", etc.
    Add tags to the agent
  4. You should see an icon with your key and value tags appear above the Key and Value textboxes. Click Next.
    Agent tag detail
  5. Click Save to confirm your agent’s name and tags.
    Save your agent
  6. Your agent credentials should appear. Copy the Provisioning Command. This command contains all the information you need to run the Docker container with the given credentials you now have for the agent.
    Provisioning Command

Start your Agent


To connect an agent to the self-hosted development control plane, disable TLS verification using the enviromental variable below in your provisioning command:


Check an example here.

  1. Run the Provisioning Command into a terminal on the node where you want your agent to run. See Running Orb Agent for more details.
  2. Close out of the Agent Credentials menu. Refresh the Agents List in UI. The agent you just created should display an Online status.
    Agent List: agent online
  3. Optionally, click the agent's name to view the Agent View screen. This screen will contain more information as you add the agent to an agent group and add corresponding policies and datasets.
    Agent View

Configure your Agent

Create an Agent Group

Agents are organized into agent groups based on key-value tag matching.

  1. Navigate to Agent Groups, and then click New Agent Group.
    Agent Group List
  2. Fill in an Agent Group Name and click Next.
    Name the group
  3. Fill in the Key and Value tags, which need to match the tags of the corresponding Agent, and click the + on the right side of the menu. You should see an icon with your key and value tags appear above the Key and Value textboxes.
    Agent Group Tags
  4. Click Next.
    You should see a message about the number of agents matching. Then click Save.
    Review Agent Group
    By clicking in EXPAND you can see the agents that are matching with the group (This is optional).
    Group Matching Agents
  5. View the newly created group in the Agent Groups list.
    Agent Group List
  6. View Matching Agents
    Click the number in the Agents column to view the matching agents.
    Group Matching Agents Detail

Create a Sink

A sink is a location to send the metrics collected from the agents. The current version supports OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) and Prometheus.

You can use a free Grafana Cloud account as a sink.

  1. Navigate to Sink Management, and then click New Sink.
    Sink List View
  2. Fill in a sink name and set sink backend to Otlphtp.
    • Optionally, add a description and sink tags by filling in the Tag Key and Tag Value fields. Click + after each key-value pair.
  3. Fill in your sink destination details and click Create .
    Save Sink
  4. View your newly created sink in the All Sinks list.
    Sink List View

You can use a private Prometheus instance or use a free Grafana Cloud account as a sink.

  1. Navigate to Sink Management, and then click New Sink.
    Sink List View
  2. Fill in a sink name and set sink backend to Prometheus.
    • Optionally, add a description and sink tags by filling in the Tag Key and Tag Value fields. Click + after each key-value pair.
  3. Fill in your sink destination details.
    This includes the host/username/password from your Prometheus remote_write configuration.
  4. Click Create .
    Save Sink
  5. View your newly created sink in the All Sinks list.
    Sink List View

Create a Policy

Policies tell agents which metrics to collect and how to collect them.

  1. Navigate to Policy Management, and then click New Policy.
    Agent Policy View
  2. Fill in a policy name and (optionally) a description and tags.
    • The policy name needs to be unique and cannot contain spaces (use underscores or dashes instead). Then click Next. Name your policy
  3. You can start using the suggested policy. Click Next.
    • In this policy, tap (input stream) is “default_pcap” which is the default for Packet Capture. Handlers specifies how to analyze the input stream selected and, in this case, we want to analyze DNS and Network (L2-L3) traffic.
    • For a more tailored observability policy to filter on specific traffic or to add (or exclude) specific metrics, please refer to the Orb Policy Reference. Save Agent Policy
  4. Click Save to save the policy.
    Save Agent Policy

Create a Dataset

Datasets essentially connect all the previous pieces. By creating and defining a dataset, you send a specific policy to a specific agent group and establish a sink to receive the resulting metrics which allows you to visualize and action on the data.

  1. Navigate to the DATASETS tab in Policy View
    • Navigate to DATASETS tab in the policy you would like to create a Dataset for, then click on New Dataset.
      Dataset Creation from policy view
  2. Select the Agent Group and Sink(s) and click Create
    • The policy will be sent in real time to the Agents in the Agent Group and begin running. Select Agent Group

Verify policy running

  • Navigate to Agents and click on the name of the agent that matches the group you selected in creating the dataset.
    The Agent View screen displays under the Policies & Datasets tab information about your policy and dataset. Your policy must have a running status. View Dataset

Check Orb Health

Orb objects have variables status whose functions are to help you understand the health of your system. A guide on how to interpret this is provided below.

Agent Status

There are 4 expected status for agents: new, online, offline and stale

Agent Status

These status are related to the agent's last activity (heartbeat):

🟣 new means that the agent never sent a heartbeat (i.e. has never connected to the control plane)

🟢 online means that the agent is sending heartbeats right now (is running and healthy).

offline means that the control plane received a heartbeat saying that the agent is going offline.

🟠 stale means that the control plane has not received a heartbeat for 5 minutes (without having received a heartbeat stating that it would go offline)

Policies Status

The status of each policy can be seen on the preview page of an agent to which it is applied

The policy will be:

running if agent policy is being managed from the control plane (policy-related metrics are being requested/scraped by this agent)

failed_to_apply if an error prevents the policy from being applied by the agent. By clicking on the expand icon you can see the cause of the error

offline if the policy was stopped by agent request

Policies Running and Failed

Policy Offline

Datasets Validity

Once created a dataset can only be valid (🟢) or invalid (🔴)

Dataset Status

The dataset will always be valid as long as the policy, the group AND the sink linked to it exist in Orb. If the policy, the group OR the sink is removed from Orb, the dataset will become invalid. Note, in the image above, that the invalid dataset does not contain the group listed, as it has been removed from the Orb.

Sinks Status

🟣 Unknown - No metrics have ever been published to this sink

🟢 Active - Metrics are actively being published to this sink

🟠 Idle - The last metrics published to this sink were more than 5 minutes ago

🔴 Error - The sink tried to publish the metrics but failed. Attention: In this case, check that the sink credentials are configured correctly.

🔵 Provisioning - Intermediate status which means that the sink collector is being provisioned.

Sink Status

Visualize and alert on your metrics

  • Your agent should now be running the policy you created. After one minute of collection time, the metrics will be sent to your Prometheus sink.
  • You may use standard tools for visualizing and alerting on your Prometheus metrics. A popular option is Grafana.
  • A pre-made dashboard for visualizing Orb/pktvisor metrics is available for import here. Grafana Dashboard